The clone wars episode cargo of doom with an episode guide featuring galleries, behind the scenes videos, and character bios. The season was subtitled rise of the bounty hunters in promotional materials, though that title was a bit misleading. The clone wars television series, marketed under the name rise of the bounty hunters, began airing on october 2, 2009 on cartoon network, starting with the episodes holocron heist and cargo of doom and ending with the last two parts of the boba. It debuted with holocron heist and cargo of doom on october 2, 2009 on cartoon network, and concluded with r2 come home and lethal trackdown on april 30, 2010. We watched cargo of doom for our clone wars chronological rewatch, and here are our thoughts. The series takes place between the films, episode ii. But one of the troopers has been infected by a geonosian brain worm and has taken along a nest full of worm eggs to submit the others. Cargo of doom from season 2 at join sign up keep track of your favorite shows and movies, across all your devices.
Episode 27 of the chronological order find the chronological epis. It debuted with holocron heist and cargo of doom on october 2, 2009 on cartoon network, and concluded with r2 come home and. Star wars the clone wars s02e02 cargo of doom video. The clone wars season 2 episode 3 online children of the force. The clone wars episode cargo of doom with an episode guide featuring. The struggle of the jedi heroes grows more complex as secret and forbidden relationships are revealed, lives are endangered, and a new breed of evil enters the war. Season 1 had its good moments and bad moments, but season 2 is where the clone wars really comes into its own. This episode introduces the bounty hunter cad bane.
Dec 06, 2017 here is my reaction to the next episode of star wars the clone wars called cargo of doom enjoy the reaction. Plo koon and ahsoka tano join forces to trackdown a fugitive. Previous all episodes 8 next with anakin and ahsoka in pursuit, cad bane seeks the last piece to unlock the holocron he stole for darth sidious. A year later, the series was released on netflix, along with a brand new season dubbed the lost missions. It was released in tandem with holocron heist on october 2, 2009 on. It was released in tandem with holocron heist on october 2, 2009 on cartoon network. From executive producer george lucas and lucasfilm animation, season two promises thrilling new adventures, neverbeforeseen characters and creatures, and untold star wars stories. Following the disney acquisition of lucasfilm in 2012, the clone wars series was cancelled, officially leaving cartoon network in march of 20. To free crime lord ziro the hutt, bounty hunters seize control of the senate building and take hostages completely unaware that jedi knight anakin skywalker is still inside. Season 2, episode 2 cargo of doom im not sure if its my enthusiasm for the new season clouding my vision, but cargo of doom, the second part of the season premiere, is the first fivestar episode of the series.
Cargo of doom is the second episode of the second season of star wars. It is the twentyfourth episode of the series overall and is the second of a threepart storyline. Anakin, ahsoka, and rex board banes frigate 1080p youtube. Laugh, cry, cheer, and reminisce as bleeding cool rewatches and retweets star wars. Westworld season 3 episode 3 promo the absence of field 2020 tv shows. Star wars the clone wars s02e02 cargo of doom video dailymotion. Picture below via wookieepedia read the extended episode guide here. Upon entering the ship, cad bane cunningly gets anakin to open the h. After fleeing the scene of the crime, bane hunted down and captured master bolla ropal, who has a crystal which holds secrets of the jedi order. The clone wars tv series see the episodes list with schedule and episode summary. Feb 21, 2019 shane rick and calvin react to and discuss season 2 episode 2 of star wars. Fierce battles, exciting stories, and breathtaking animation raise the stakes higher than ever in star wars. The clone wars television series, marketed under the name rise of the bounty hunters, began airing on october 2, 2009 on cartoon network, starting with the episodes holocron heist and cargo of doom and ending with the last two parts of the boba fett trilogy on april 30 2010.
It was the first episode to be confirmed to belong to season two. An example of an opening quote from the series star wars. The clone wars season 3 episode 24 online for free episodes with hq high quality. Download to watch offline and even view it on a big screen using chromecast. Apr 18, 2016 in this briefing, we learn about some of the most shocking, cool, and frustrating moments of star wars. Wed be honored if you would join us and share your thoughts on the awardwinning series. Anakin and ahsoka travel to the planet devaron in pursuit of cad bane, who has stolen a jedi holocron. The clone wars aired on october 3, 2008, and set a new record with cartoon network as their mostwatched series premiere, attracting 3. Seriously, she was a cardcarrying member of the star wars fan club when she had no other real reason to own a. The holocrons secrets revealed, bane attempts an escape, but appears to be killed by a clone.
Anakin and ahsoka intercept cad banes warship, hoping to recover. The clone wars, season 2 episode 2, is available to watch and stream on cartoon network. Ahsoka captured and cargo of doom did you ever hear the tragedy of jedi master bolla ropal. I liked this episode too because of the brothersister rapport between anakin and ahsoka. Villainous mercenary cad bane was hired by darth sidious to steal a holocron from the vaults of the jedi temple.
In order to obtain a jedi holocron from the jedi temple, cad bane hires a. Best of captain rex star wars the clone wars and star wars rebels duration. The clone wars is the latest animated series in the star wars franchise to hit the small screen. Season 2 episode 2 cargo of doom season 2 episode 2 cargo of doom skip navigation sign in. The opening news reel section of cargo of doom was a bit jarring, as it seemed like. Shane rick and calvin react to and discuss season 2 episode 2 of star wars. The clone wars concept art star wars rpg, star wars. Anakin and ahsoka intercept cad banes warship, hoping. In this briefing, we learn about some of the most shocking, cool, and frustrating moments of star wars. Anakin and ahsoka intercept cad banes warship, hoping to recover the stolen jedi holocron, but the jedi underestimate the bounty hunters cunning tactics. Here is my reaction to the next episode of star wars the clone wars called cargo of doom enjoy the reaction. Cad bane moves to sell the stolen holocron to the separatists while anakin and ahsoka try to retrieve it.
Anakin and ahsoka have cad bane cornered over the planet of devaron. Oct 02, 2009 cargo of doom is the second episode of the second season of star wars. Anakin, ahsoka, and their clone troopers are sent in pursuit of cad bane after. It is the twentyfourth episode of the series overall. George lucas created by, henry gilroy series writer 2 more credits. Season 2 cargo of doom gif by star wars this gif by star wars has everything. This week, were covering season 2, episode 2 cargo of doom. Oct 03, 2009 season 2, episode 2 cargo of doom im not sure if its my enthusiasm for the new season clouding my vision, but cargo of doom, the second part of the season premiere, is the first fivestar episode of the series. Not required viewing for star wars fans but certainly an easy way to burn a weekend or four. The season finale, hostage crisis, was broadcast on march 20, 2009, and the original broadcast received 3. Tvguide has every full episode so you can stayuptodate and watch your favorite show star wars.
After an inconsistent first year but one clearly moving along an increasingly strong track season 2 of star wars. Cargo of doom is the second episode in season two of the star wars. The clone wars, subtitled rise of the bounty hunters, consists of twentytwo episodes. Kristin baver kristin baver is a journalist who loved science fiction before she could even write her own name. In order to obtain a jedi holocron from the jedi temple, cad bane hires a bounty hunter to help him. Ahsoka, barris and tango company board a supply ship to a station near ord cestus. From my perspective the writing of each episode more consistently hits a high standard, and it feels more representative of what a series about a wide scale war should be.
The clone wars found the series more focused and consistently delivering clever and entertaining episodes. Cad bane cunningly gets anakin to open the holocron. Oct 27, 2019 laugh, cry, cheer, and reminisce as bleeding cool rewatches and retweets star wars. The clone wars cargo of doom is the twentyfourth episode of the canon television series the clone wars, set in the prequel era.
It was aired on october 02, 2009, as part of season 2. The first step to correcting a mistake is patience. Cargo of doom s02e02 is the second episode of season two of star wars. Anakin, ahsoka, and the republic face off with cad bane and separatist forces over devaron later of weapon of a jedi fame from the journey to the force awakens. The clone wars season 2, episode 28 weapons factory. The struggle of the jedi heroes grows more complex as secret and forbidden relationships are revealed, lives are endangered, and a new breed of evil enters the war merciless bounty hunters.
The clone wars season 2 episode 1 online holocron heist. Join sign up keep track of your favorite shows and movies, across all your devices. The chase leads them to florrum, where a showdown is bound to take place. It was released on october 2, 2009 on cartoon network. Ahsoka teams up with luminaras padawan barriss offee to destroy a droid factory. Anakin and ahsoka intercept cad banes warship, hoping to recover the stolen jedi holocron, but the jedi underestimate the. The clone wars season 2 episode 2 cargo of doom loved this episode credit. Mar 22, 2020 star wars the clone wars s02e02 cargo of doom.